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SPIROBANK II BASIC + MIR SPIRO BASIC PC SOFTWARE Spirobank ll Basic + Mir Spiro Basic PC Software

Original price was: €1,400.00.Current price is: €1,290.00.


Complete and rapid pocket spirometer for the General
Practitioner to carry out spirometry testing anywhere.
No calibration required, use disposable turbine FlowMIR with integrated mouthpiece (33507) or reusable turbine (33526).
– measures the most important spirometric parameters including: FVC, VC, IVC, IC, ERV, FEV1, FEV1%, PEF, FEF 25-75, FET, EVOL, TEST POST BD
– traffic lights for immediate test interpretation
– memory up to 10,000 tests
– rechargeable long life battery (40 hours continuous operation)
– real time tests via USB
– selectable display language (GB, IT, ES, FR, DE, PT)

Supplied with MIR Spiro Basic PC software, USB cable, one disposable turbine and manual GB, IT (FR, ES, PT, DE on in a carrying bag.

Made in Italy.
Technical Specifications
Power supply: 3.7 V, 110 mA lithium battery , USB rechargeable
Keypad: 6-key membrane keyboard
Display: LCD monochrome 160×80 pixel
Flow range: +16 l/s
Flow accuracy: ± 5% or 200 ml/s whichever is greater
Max volume: 10 l
Volume accuracy: ± 2.5% or 50 ml whichever is greater
Data transmission: USB 2.0
Size – weight: 160x55x25 mm – 140 g

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