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Self Loading Stretcher 54-70cm

is available with a semi-automatic backrest lifting system. Sidebars have a built-in mechanism to avoid pinching of sheets and for added safety to the patient.
Easy to clean and to load onto the vehicle for the



Loading height 54-70 cm – yellow/black
The Carrera cot is a one-piece /one-man stretcher trolley.
The platform is available with a semi-automatic backrest lifting system. Sidebars have a built-in mechanism to avoid pinching of sheets and for added safety to the patient.
Easy to clean and to load onto the vehicle for the single operator, thanks to the "Back-saving self effect" and to the "self-assist" system integrated in the pistons. Bigger wheels (Ø 200 mm) for added stability (2 with brake).
Weight: 29 kg
Mattress and rails included.

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