Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97 PRO
Practice of both fundal massage and bimanual compression
Suturing of vaginal tears. The rupture inserts are replaceable
360-degree cervical visual inspection. The cervix has a realistic after-childbirth size and softness
Manual removal of a retained placenta. Three residual pieces can be placed in the uterus to train the required medical interventions like uterine curettage
Intrauterine balloon tamponade. The size of the uterus cavity can accommodate the placement of a Bakri Balloon
Uterine packing with gauze
Presentation of severe obstetric hemorrhage cases. The volume of the blood reservoir is up to 3L. The flow speed is adjustable and up to 400 ml/min
Blood loss estimation. The volume scale on the blood reservoir can help trainees gain competence in estimating blood loss
Bladder catheterization. The insertion of a urinary catheter is possible. No fluid drainage is required
The demonstration of uterine compression suture techniques e.g. B-Lynch, Haymann, Pereira, Cho and Ouabha is possible on the separated foam uteri
Unique simulation features of the PPH trainer P97 Pro:
From abdominal wall through vaginal canal to uterus, the P97 PRO offers a unique texture in addition to a life-like haptic thanks to SKINlike™ high-quality silicone
Three independent bleeding sites: uterus, cervix and vaginal bleeding
Simultaneous multiple hemorrhages possible
Suturing of vaginal tears
Realistic after-childbirth cervix
Direct feedback of atonic uterus management
Major severe PPH scenarios can be simulated: blood loss up to 3000 ml and/or speed of blood flow up to 400 ml/min
Delivery of a retained placenta. The placenta is made of silicone for a realistic feel and softness
The trainer offers accurate anatomy, including ischial spines, pubic bones and sacrum
The simulator is completely independent from electricity, extremely durable and easy to set up
Delivery content:
PPH Trainer P97 Pro
Blood reservoir bag 3000 ml
Color coded bleeding connector
Placenta with three residual pieces
Two foam uteri
Artificial blood concentrate
Replacement kit (1x rupture insert and 1 set of residual pieces)
Drying stand for uterus cavity