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New: Mr Vein



Mr. Vein
Our Mr. Vein allows for hands-on training of injection techniques and paw bandaging on the dog’s leg. With the integrated elbow and carpal joint, handling and fixation of the foreleg can be simulated under realistic conditions.

Blood samples can be taken from the movable cephalic vein and venous catheters can be inserted in a lifelike manner. The detailed representation of the individual toes with pads and interdigital spaces also enables the application of paw bandages.

With the solid stainless steel holder, Mr. Vein can be used in mobile applications and offers optimum grip on smooth surfaces with the integrated suction cups. If necessary, the vein module can be removed and replaced in a few simple steps.

Mr. vein includes
dog leg
stainless steel holder
3 x V. cephalica
Blood reservoir
dimensions: ca. 20 x 35 x 14 cm
H x L x W
weight: ca. 1,1 kg

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