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Multi-use Cytotoxic Drug Spill Kit



The kit contains inert CT-Zorb Granules which will quickly and efficiently absorb all the moisture of a liquid spillage, thus containing the spill and preventing it spreading further. The granule-spill mixture can then be easily collected using the Guest Medical Scoops and Scrapers for disposal according to local procedure or regulations. Absorbent pads provide a simple method for collecting powder spillages when used with the sterile saline pods provided in the kit.

Replacement CT-Zorb Granules are available in cartons of 12 shakers.


2 shakers of CT-Zorb Granules
3 Hazard Scoops and Scrapers
3 disposable tweezers
3 absorbent pads
3 sterile saline pods
6 detergent wipes
3 cytotoxic waste disposal bags
3 bag ties
3 pairs long cuff nitrile gloves
3 protective disposable gowns
3 pairs overshoes
3 FFP3 face masks
Reusable goggles (BS EN 166 conformant)
Warning sign
Full instructions for use

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