Tiniest Lives Need the Greatest Care: Embracing Micro-preemie Babies
Advancements in medical science have extended the perceived age of viability, making it possible for most babies to survive outside the womb as early as 22 to 23 weeks of gestation. This has created a need for a miniature manikin that can be used to simulate training for the care of infants in this specific age group. We introduced the world’s first ever 22-23 weeks micro-preemie manikin, developed in collaboration with Dr Alok Sharma, Consultant Neonatologist at Southampton Hospital, England.
Since micro-preemies are born several months before their due dates, they face long stays in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) and although many premature babies grow up with no long-term effects, many face severe health problems at birth. The ini…………….more