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Complete Nursing Skills Manikin Geri

Uses simulations for added realism. The overall appearance of the manikin is female, however, removal of the wig and attachment of the male genitals converts it for male catheterization and prostate examination simulations. Excellent for all levels of health care education from nursing assistants to medical students. Ideal for all training.


The GERi Nursing Skills Manikin is ideal for preparing students for working with real-life geriatric patients, since it features an elderly appearance with skin wrinkles and folds. No other manikin on the market is so realistic and true-to-life. When compared to similar manikins, it features the best and most lifelike range of motion; GERi moves like a person, allows realistic patient positioning, and features nonpinching joints.

Uses simulations for added realism. The overall appearance of the manikin is female, however, removal of the wig and attachment of the male genitals converts it for male catheterization and prostate examination simulations. Excellent for all levels of health care education from nursing assistants to medical students. Ideal for all training.

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