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Casualty Care Rescue Randy”



Product information “Casualty Care Rescue Randy”
The Casualty Care Rescue Randy was designed using „Strategic Operations Hyper-Realistic® technology“ and is perfect for service members to be trained in TCCC (Tactical Combat Casulaty Care) and TECC (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care).

Its training opportunities include the treeatment of the 3 most preventable cuases of death:
– Massive Bleeding (Femoral and Brachial extremity wounds, Inguinal and Carotid junctional wounds – Treatment interventions Extremity and junctional tourniquets, wound packing and pressure bandage)
– Tension Pneumothorax (Needle decompression 4th/5th ICS axillary and 2nd/3rd ICS mid-clavicular) as well as pentrating chest wound (Chest Seal)
– Aiway obstruction (Nasopharyngeal, Oropharyngeal, Cricothyroidotomy)

It offers the following features:
– Rugged full body manikin with articulated joints
– Weight-distributed to mimic the human anatomy
– Holds 3-4 liters of blood
– Pumping system with regulator simulating human blood flow pressure (2-3) psi
– Manual foot operated blood puming system allows 3 wounds to bleed simultaneously
– Optional electric deluxe puming system allowing 4 wounds to bleed simultaneously

Comes with:
– blod powder (makes 5 gallons)
– 3 repairable neck skins
– 10 repairable tracheas
– 1 repair set

Male manikin.
Size: 165 x 63,5 x 30,5 cm, weight: ca. 55 kg

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